Note: I think these sections are silly, but everyone seems to have one. Here is a *mostly* honest overview of my skills.
Selected Courses
CCS 190:
Senior Project - Part I
CSC 130:
Data Structure+Algorithm Analy
CSC 131:
Computer Software Eng
CSC 133:
Obj-Oriented Cmptr Graph
CSC 134:
Database Management Systems
CSC 135:
Computability and Formal Lang
CSC 138:
Computer Network+Internet
CSC 139:
Operating System Principles
CSC 174:
Adv Database Mgmt Systems
CSC 177:
Data Analytics and Mining
CSC 179:
Software Test+Quality Assurance
CSC 191:
Senior Project - Part 2
CSC 196W:
Web Programming
CSC 28:
Discrete Structures
CSC 60:
Intro System Program Unix
ENGR 115:
Statistics For Engineers
Math 32:
Calculus 3